European Funds

EU Projects

Express Car Rental

01 Dynamic task management system responding to variable task execution conditions

Express Car Rental Express Car Rental Express Car Rental Express Car Rental

Project co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020, under 1/1.1.1/2021 Action 1.1 "R&D Projects of Enterprises", Sub-action 1.1.1 "Industrial Research and Development Works Carried Out by Enterprises".


Project Objective: The project aimed to develop a complex system utilizing the latest scientific knowledge to achieve the automation of processes related to the provision of commissioned tasks characterized by short deadlines and high priority variability.


The planned product, as a result of the project, will be used both for the internal needs of the applicant, i.e., Express Company, and as a service available to external clients. The system will directly address the needs of enterprises operating in sectors such as courier services, transportation, maintenance, technical support, logistics, packaging, mass event management, and many others that require the engagement of a large number of employees on short notice and for a short period. A characteristic feature of the business processes implemented by companies in these industries is, among others, high employee turnover and the associated costs, as well as the high variability of order execution conditions and assigned priorities. This necessitates the reorganization of work for many employees simultaneously and the implementation of rapid changes, as any delay incurs real costs, including penalties. Currently, all processes related to the execution of such orders are handled manually by operators (dispatchers, recruiters, and other company departments or outsourced agencies). However, the efficiency and effectiveness of this work are unsatisfactory because, due to frequent changes in many task parameters, operators are unable to collectively consider them to make the right decisions and manage the processes appropriately. There are no comprehensive systems on the market that meet the needs of enterprises in the aforementioned industries. Therefore, the implementation of this project was planned. The tasks necessary for its implementation were divided into three stages, of which the first two include industrial research, and the last one includes development work.


Project Implementation Period: 01.10.2021 – 31.12.2023
Implementation Area: All of Poland
Grant Recipient: Express Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością sp.k., 30-644 Kraków, ul. Puszkarska 7F
Total Project Value: 9,374,246.25 PLN


Project Office:
ul. Puszkarska 7F building A
30-644 Kraków
Opening Hours:
Monday – 7:30 – 16:30
Tuesday-Thursday – 7:30-15:30
Friday – 7:30-14:30
Email: [email protected]

02 Dynamic logistics management system for courier services using mobile distribution centers

Express Car Rental Express Car Rental Express Car Rental Express Car Rental

Project co-financed by the European Union from the European Funds for a Modern Economy, Priority I. Support for Entrepreneurs, SMART Pathway Action.


Project Objectives:

- Develop an IT and hardware system with AI for logistics management.
- Implement mobile distribution centers and proprietary vehicle builds.
- Improve resource utilization and optimize logistics processes.


Tasks and Activities:

- R&D on a complex IT system.
- R&D on proprietary builds for delivery vans and mobile distribution centers.
- Implement AI algorithms for dynamic order management.


Target Groups:
- Logistics companies.
- Customers using courier services with high time and storage condition requirements.


Project Outcomes:

- Significant increase in delivery efficiency.
- Reduction in operational costs for clients.
- Optimization of resource utilization and cost reduction.
- Availability of Same-Day-Delivery services for small retail businesses.


Project Implementation Period: 01.01.2024 – 31.12.2026
Implementation Area: All of Poland
Grant Recipient: Express Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością sp.k., 30-644 Kraków, ul. Puszkarska 7F


Project Value:

- Total Project Value: 27,605,450.24 PLN
- Funding Amount: 15,778,065.76 PLN


Project Office:
ul. Puszkarska 7F building A
30-644 Kraków
Opening Hours:
Monday – 7:30 – 16:30
Tuesday-Thursday – 7:30-15:30
Friday – 7:30-14:30
Email: [email protected]